Saturday, July 26, 2008

Stitching with Kids

Our girls, Arwen and Leia really enjoy watching me sewing or stitching. They would get very excited and asked me some needles and threads to stitch on their own.

This is what they were doing, when I was busy with my sewing machine.

Crafting with Kids : Stitching together Crafting with Kids : Stitching
Crafting with Kids : Stitching Crafting with Kids : Stitching together


Xtina said...

itu Arwen & Leia stictching pake jarum beneran enggak?...gimana ngajarin mereka buat hati2 pake jarum?? adduuuhh gedenya pasti mereka jadi kreatif banget deh...great job Dita (n Pinot juga)!

Dita said...

iya jarum beneran. Dibilangin aja bahwa itu jaru tajem. Kalo mereka ketusuk kan mereka akhirnya belajar bahwa jarum itu tajem so mereka jadi ati2. Hahahahaha......kejam yaks? ;), tapi ya begitulah mereka belajar, kalo gak ngrasain kan gatau. Yang penting tetep diawasin.

Foni said...

wah hebat jadi si leia juga ikutan menjahit..waw..gue masih takut kasih jarum kesi jas

drey said...

wow thanks for this, i must try it with my nearly-4 year old! with something like this it's easy to switch the fabric from plain to coloured/patterned once in a while!